
How to Train Your Dog in the Best Way Possible

뉴토끼 – the sound of a happy, healthy pup! Training your pet can be a joyous and rewarding experience. It takes patience, understanding and consistency to teach your pup the basics that will turn him or her into a well-mannered doggie companion. Read on to learn more about dog training and how you can have success in teaching your pet.

Understand Your Breeds Characteristics

Different breeds have different personalities which will influence their ability to learn new things. Some breeds have short attention spans while others are more naturally obedient. Understanding the characteristics of your breed can help guide you in selecting the right methods of training and setting realistic goals for your pup.


Start Simple

When starting out with a new pup, it is important to begin with simple commands like “sit” or “come”. Even if your pup cannot understand the exact words, they will pick up on the tone of voice and body language used when giving these commands. By rewarding your pup with treats or praise when they do the desired action, they will quickly learn the proper response.

Once your pup has learned some basic commands, it is important to move on to more complex tasks such as teaching him how to walk on a leash or stop jumping on guests. Again, repetition and patience are key here and positive reinforcement is essential.

Training Should be Fun

It is important to keep training sessions short and enjoyable. If your pup is getting tired and unresponsive then it is time to take a break. Too much pressure or harshness will discourage your pup from wanting to learn and can cause them to become aggressive or fearful. Remember to have fun and reward good behavior with treats and positive reinforcement.

Be a Good Role Model

Your pup will want to mimic the behavior of those around him, so it is important to lead by example. If you are calm and consistent while teaching your pup, then he will be more likely to respond positively to your commands. Yelling or punishing your pup for misbehaving will only make matters worse and may result in further aggression or fear.

Set Up a Routine

Having a predictable routine can make it easier for your pup to settle into their new home and adjust to their responsibilities. This means having regular feeding times, potty breaks, and training sessions. Be consistent with orders and rewards and try to stick to the same schedule each day to help your pup stay on track.

Practice Makes Perfect

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your pup be completely trained overnight. Patience is essential when it comes to training your pup. Be prepared to practice each command multiple times and be consistent with rewards and punishments for proper actions. With enough determination and consistency, you will eventually have a well-trained and obedient pup.

Dog training can be a long and sometimes frustrating process, but it is well worth the effort. Having a well-mannered doggie companion is one of the greatest joys life can offer, so don’t give up! Stick with the basics, be consistent, remain patient and enjoy the process!